Have you noticed when you get up in the morning the lines around your lips appear worse?
Now you can discover the ultimate 90-second lip wrinkle hack that will transform your lip area while you sleep. Say goodbye to lines and hello to confidence!
If so you’re not alone in fact lip procedures are the number one requested procedure in the US, most often for this very reason; to reduce lip lines.
According to a recent study conducted by The American Society of Plastic Surgeons a lip treatment was done every 20 minutes. The UK, Australia and New Zealand aren’t far behind.
Knowing this is the most common and expensive way to fix lip wrinkles & plumpness could there be a better more cost-effective way to treating these little lines that women DREAD?
There are many contributing factors as to why your lips get lines on and around them. Most common is aging, smoking, your personal skin/body health as well as your digestion and gut health.
What if one of the biggest reasons for those pesky lines was the way you were sleeping and what you’re doing in your sleep?
What exactly defines lip lines?
Lip lines are defined as lines that run vertically from and around your lip area up to the base of your nostrils.
They usually form on the top and bottom lip area whilst also splurging out onto the delicate lip area outside of your defined lips.
They can extend from one side of your mouth to the other. The lines can be deep and long or short and shallow.
These lines can be really difficult to conceal and can make wearing lipstick almost impossible. This leads to you feeling somewhat disheartened and insecure about your lips.
And let's face it, there are many names that these annoying lines around your lips get called such as lipstick bleed or smokers lines, but whatever you call them the goal is to get rid of them or at the very least reduce there harsh appearance.
Exactly how did you get lip lines and how can you prevent them from getting worse?
Whilst there is plenty of false information about how to magically achieve younger looking lips overnight we're here to debunk those empty promises.
Instead I'll give you my best advice on lip line prevention and treatment so you can feel confident about your lips once again.
The 4 biggest concerns when you sleep that cause LIP STRESS are:
1. Grinding your jaw
2. Pursing your lips
3. Clenching your teeth
4. Dehydration
Have you woken to find your jaw is sore and your lips feel tight?
Often this happens when you’ve been stressed or overly worried about something.
Did you know we tend to worry a lot at night, especially when you can’t sleep?
I’m sure you've had nights where all you do is lie awake, wonder and worry about everything and everyone.
Knowing how your muscles around your lips work can help you achieve not only a good night’s sleep but also a lot fewer wrinkles.
Did you know that your lips have 11 muscles directly associated with every movement they make?
Here's how 3 of the most common muscles work:
Orbicularis Oris is called the kissing muscle as it’s responsible for pursing/clenching our lips. It's all so one of the strongest muscles in our body.
The muscle Buccinator is responsible for chewing and linked to the corners of your mouth.
The Zygomaticus Major is commonly referred to as the smile muscle as it pulls the corners of your mouth up.
1. Cheeky Circles: Massage in a circular motion the outer corners of the top/bottom of your jaw where your teeth meet. Clockwise for 90 seconds.
2. Bubbly Cheeks: Take a mouthful of air so it expands your cheeks, like holding your breath. Move the air from side to side, top, and bottom. Repeat for 90 seconds.
3. Lip Stretch: Open your mouth as wide as you can with your lips pursed firmly around your teeth and stretching over your lip area hold for around 10 seconds repeat up to 90 seconds.
Try these exercises nightly before you go to bed and watch your sleep patterns and lip wrinkles improve! You'll be amazed at how well you can transform your lip area while you sleep.
You can also download our FREE Smooch Camp Videos it's a non-surgical lip service that's statistically proven to provide you with healthy luxurious lips whilst naturally plumping and boosting collagen without the need for expensive & painful lip treatments.
The free 4 part video series teaches you how to feel confident with your lips, increase volume, smooth lines, reduce stress and tension.
For best results try using a collagen boosting and supportive product such as the luscious lip serum to complement your sleeping patterns. It is the perfect must-have for your natural beauty regime. Blended with CoQ10Enzyme which strengthens and encourages renewed collagen in this delicate and sensitive area. Enhanced with calendula flower, pomegranate seed oil, evening primrose oil and jojoba oil. Use at night over and around your lip area. Keeps lips hydrated.
Pomegranate seed helps lock in moisture and high in Vit C
CoQ10 enzyme rebuilds collagen and is known for reducing fine lines and smoothing lips
Evening primrose helps to balance and even skin tone
Vegan, Sensitive Skin, Fragrance Free
Or for complete lip care results try the Twenty2Luxury the Best Selling Lip Balm Bundle