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Janine Hall

7 fun and easy actions for prosperity under the Full Moon in your home everyday

You can take advantage of the full moon’s energy and power to increase your ability to manifest what you want. The moon is at its most potent energy during a full moon and lends it to your manifestation. But there are specific ways to go about manifesting during a full moon.

How Long Do You Have to Manifest Under a Full Moon?

The moon has the fastest orbit and only stays in one sign and one phase for a few days. When the moon turns full, it lasts for up to three days. You will want to check a moon calendar to determine the time the moon goes full in your time zone. You can choose to start your full moon manifesting ritual when it goes full or anytime within those three days.

How Do You Do a Full Moon Ritual?

One thing to know is that there is truly no right or wrong way to perform a full moon ritual. At the very least, you need an intention. At most, you can perform a full ritual ceremony. Here are my steps to completing a full moon ritual.

2. Take a shower or bath

Because the full moon is a highly charged time of releasing and letting go, you’ll want to start with cleansing. Taking a shower or bath with our beautiful rose and chocolate bath soak to begin this helps release any stuck energy and emotions. Imagine any heavy energy and emotions going out of your body and down the drain. The Twenty2Luxury Lux body wash with our signature scent of essentials oils is ideal to assist in your bathroom ritual.

2. Create a calm and peaceful spot to manifest in

You can choose to light a candle, burn incense, add mood lighting or even try our loose leaf smudge. You can also choose to play music or a guided meditation to help you during your manifestation time. Make sure you have a journal and any other items you need during your full moon manifesting.

3. Say a blessing

Invoking the full moon’s energy sets the tone of your ritual and allows La Luna to lend its strength to you during it. Be open to what comes to you to say as a blessing. You can also use this blessing to say:

“Dear universe, I ask that you cleanse my space and open it to receive the full blessing and energy of the moon. Moon, I invite you to be a witness to my intentions to manifest them in the highest potential energy for myself and others. Thank you. Amen.”

4. Write your gratitude

During the full moon, it is time to be fully present with your life as it is now. Giving thanks for all that you have is a beautiful way to ease into manifesting under the full moon. The energy of gratitude will naturally open your heart to receiving all the moon’s energy has to offer you.

5. Set your intentions

Get a journal and write your intentions in the journal. You can choose to make a list or write them down as if you are talking with the universe in your journal. You aren’t limited to what you can ask. If you have intentions in a variety of life areas like love and relationships, money and finances, job, and career, be sure to write all of them down.

Here are a few sample intentions to get you started:

● I am receiving abundance and prosperity from the universe

● I am letting go of past hurts and allowing in love

● I am manifesting my one real soul mate for long term love

● I am manifesting my soul’s calling for an impactful, financially supportive career

● I want to receive a spiritual blessing from the universe to step forward in my career and be more visible

After performing your full moon manifesting ritual, be sure to cleanse your space again. Then keep track of what you manifest!

6. Declutter your space

The importance and energetic significance of cleaning, clearing and decluttering your home, office, desk, bedroom, draws will work on such a magnificent scale. Firstly you will always feel fabulously fresh and invigorated after your decluttering. This allows for new things to become present in your life. If you would like to bring more money and abundance into your life try cleaning out your wallet? Remove all your old receipts and customer club cards. Straighten out your notes and pop your coins into a smaller purse or perhaps a jar. Every time you ad to the money jar you could make a wish.

7. Use manifesting crystals

Feng shui experts suggest putting a cleansed citrine crystal towards the furtherest south-east area of your house is a fantastic way to manifest more abundance into your life. Try it and see if it works! This crystal also works for manifesting your willpower, success and prosperity. Like wise you could try putting a citrine crystal in every room of your house. Which area of your life would you like to see filled with abundance?

These are a few tips to encourage your to think with the of the full moon.

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